Saturday, 8 November 2008


Hmm, I forgot to post anything on Thursday. Obviously I've been so engrossed in homework or something, cough cough. :)

She was so lovely to school that evening, all lovely and round, not leaning, carrying herself yadda yadda. And she did an awesome medium trot, and she actually did a square halt on the centre line! :O

And then today, she was craaaaazy.

I usually let her trot round on a loose rein when I first warm up, just 'cause I find she's more willing to soften after she's had a stretch. So I did, and then she just took off in one corner. Once I stopped her, I shortened my reins up, then when we got to the same corner again she just started leaping randomly on the spot?! Words actually fail me sometimes to describe her. :)

So all in all, I left the arena not feeling quite as cheery with my pony as I did on Thursday night. :) I managed to get her to behave fairly sanely in the end, but it took her about 15mins just to chill out!

I might hack her tomorrow, maybe if I can let her let off some steam she will behave nicely next time I school. :)

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